The End of Limitless Growth

We have been led to believe that there is unlimited growth and expansion, and that nothing is constant but change. Yet we know that living organisms are subject to cycles of birth, life and death and that we cannot overcome our own biological limitations. The apocalyptic predictions aired at the turn of the new millennium are a culmination of critical voices throughout the century that the pursuance of a cancerous growth strategy will inevitably lead to collapse and destruction in the environment, in our social fabric, within our own human psyche. Coupled with fear that we have driven the changes too far, has been the call for a return to age-old traditional values as the ones propogatad by religion. Yet, whilst the millennium marks 2000 years since the birth of Christ, a markedly Christian tone is noticeably absent from the celebrations, and many people, whilst searching for a spiritual dimension to balance material progress, would admit that Christianity has lost the assertiveness to provide a meaningful moderation of the excesses of civilization development. Christianity, because it is enshrined in the cannons of the long bygone Roman empires, will lose its foundation when trying to adapt to modern times, but will be condemned to be outdated rather than forward looking when trying to hold on to its traditions.

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