A Matter of Faith

The story that unfolds from the various accounts of these confrontations, the Muslim version of Armageddon, fought out in and over Palestine, where the city of Megiddo gave Christian Armageddon its name, is one of increased polarization between the forces of belief and disbelief, the religious and the seculer, the Muslims and post-Christian New Age. They will initially fight over mountains of black gold near the Euphrates, a reference to oil possibly, a phase we have entered into since the beginnings of the gulf war in 1991. The Muslims will be disunited and weak, their enemies united and powerful. It will be a time when the word will be stronger than the sword, and most of the believers will also fall for propoganda. The Dajjal will have with him a river and a fire. His river will be hell, his fire will be paradise. It will be more difficult to hold on to one's faith than to hold onto burning coal. But patience will pay off. People will eventually be divided into two camps: a camp of faith in which there will be no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy in which there will be no faith. (Abu Daud)

Then the small but purified army of believers will gather under a black banner from the East, and contingents from the West will join it. The Jews will draw together from all over the world in Palestine, the land of the Qardad Tree, the only tree behind which they will find shelter. At the end of the long was with no more than one survivor amongst a hundred, the Muslims will gain victory on the battle field. Yet their time to rebuild will not have come yet, as the Dajjal will have appeared. Here we are given to understand that this is not just a battle between physical forces. It requires divine intervention. It cannot be won without true faith. For the Dajjal, the false Messiah, will lure everybody who listens to him by his magic. He will satisfy people's yearning for spirituality after they have lost their souls in religion which both stimulates them and keeps them controlled. There will be people who rebel against it, but they will not be able to extinguish the mass hypnosis of the cult. It will fire people on in their bestial fight against truth and religion until they will be so emboldened that they want to kill God. Whoever does not join the crowd will be excluded from all benefits and not even allowed to eat. Yet in the face of the truth, confronted with the real Messiah, and only then, will it vanish in line with the verdict in the Qur'an:

"Say: Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, for falsehood must vanish."

(Surah 17, al-Isra (the Night Journey), Verse 81)


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