Islamic Party Of Britain

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Transport and Communication Policy

In the name of God the most gracious, the most merciful and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, the seal of the prophet and messengers.

The mobility of a mass society has posed a greater challenge to every industrial nation leading to greater freedom and mobility for some, but greater isolation and anonymity for others. Infrastructure has to provide a means for people to live and work together rather than to live apart.

It is essential to improve the efficiency and use of resources. Recent reports have highlighted the waste of fuel and energy by traffic at a standstill on motorways and roads during rush hours; the M25 is a perfect example of thousands of cars waiting to fill any new road space, aimlessly contributing to the existing pollution dilemma.

The population should be encouraged to use public transport and this can only be achieved by increasing its availability, improving its efficiency and improving its quality and appearance. Rail travel in this country is perhaps the dirtiest, least comfortable and most expensive compared to other European countries. The French and Italian railways are faster and more efficient with a well paid workforce, indeed their railways have up to seven times as much state assistance than British Rail. Recent disasters such as the Clapham rail crash highlight the importance of safety requirements; numerous motorway accidents involving heavy goods vehicles also suggest a change of policy is required with regard to safety. Industrial transfer of goods to the rail network should be encouraged, utilisation of empty motorways in the night is equally essential. Companies should provide transport for their workforce, especially easy if industrial complexes are attractive and made compatible with their local environment encouraging people to live nearer to work.

As for communications, with the benefits of electronic mailing systems, the ability to create databases and the use of information storage and retrieval systems, office-automation can provide a high technology infrastructure allowing more and more people to work from home. The benefits are also there for social communications, improving the quality of service and decreasing the cost. Ultimately, the aim is to produce an integrated international telecommunications network for all voice, data and video traffic. Communication is also concerned with the media. There is growing concern that news are not presented in a neutral, objective manner, but rather used as a political tool for sectarian or or self-motivated interests. It would be the Islamic Party's policy to neutralise the media and to prevent distortion of fact. This is not to say that the Islamic Party is against the right to express individual opinions, but such opinions should be put forward in the form of logical and objective arguments. A high moral standard is necessary to prevent direct, emotive attacks on individual people or their beliefs.

Morality is also an issue when concerned with the entertainment media, and it is deemed necessary for the welfare of society to take a strict stance against material of a pornographic or a violent nature. Islam provides these moral guidelines, and with education, society will see that rather than dictating what is lawful or unlawful, it is simply providing indication of what is harmful and of what is beneficial for humanity.

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