A warrant for genocide

As previously mentioned, Norman Cohn’s Warrant for Genocide, The myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, prove beyond all reasonable and reasoned doubt that the eminently capable Dramatist, Playwright, Journalist, Feuilletonist, and short story writer Theodor Herzl was in fact the most likely plagiarist who stole the ideas embodied in them, and used them to bring about the devastating conditions through which ordinary, innocent every day Jews were sacrificed to form the ‘guilt-edged’ purchase price of Palestine, referred to as “ The currency of the Holocaust”. Jim Allen’s play ‘Perdition’ was banned because it exposed the co-operation between the Zionists and Nazis towards this end.

Nor was it by accident that Adolph Eichman was an honoured pre-war guest of the Zionists in Palestine, long before his Jerusalem trial in 1961. Blood and Land had been the joint ideology of both Zionist and Nazi alike. Neo-Nazi and Ashkenazi?

B y June 1895 Herzl had already stated to Baron de Hirsch, that he had decided to abandon his existing plan for the emancipation of Jews and a Jewish National Home in Palestine because of the apathy among the mass of poor Jews. He then hit upon the master plan, which he estimated correctly, would enable the Zionists to obtain Palestine through the sympathy generated by the mass sacrifice of some of these same “poor Jews”. The media images of those, when coupled with their global-Masonic power to influence, would eventually wring out of the guilty consciences of Britain, Europe and America that ‘little parcel of land’ with the promise of money and political advantage, to those who acquiesced.

The post script in his letter to Baron de Hirsch on June 18th 1895 exposes his design, not, of course, mentioned by Professor Cohn. However Cohn’s publication does include some valuable data which ought to be studied by all those who are interested in establishing the truth of both the Holocaust and the price paid by Arabs, Jews and British servicemen for Palestine. Because of his ‘ignorance’ of the letters and telegrams of Sir Gerald Lowther, The Acacia of 1908, the Times History of the War, and the Masonic aspects of the Young Turk and Bolshevik Judeo-Masonic Lodges, and Herzl’s diaries, professor Cohn’s Conclusions in ‘Warrant For Genocide’ must be rejected.

While serving well as a stop-gap, damage control measure, Cohn’s appology however is both misleading, and in the long term even more dangerous, because he fails to recognise or take into account - let alone challenge - all the forces at work; or alert the world of Jews and Gentiles alike to the real author and inspirer of these evil Satanic Protocols and the Satanic Voices and visions they encapsulate.

Cohn opens his very biased argument in Chapter one, which he calls: “ The Origins of the Myth” as follows: “Over very large areas of the earth Jews have traditionally been seen as mysterious beings, endowed with uncanny, sinister powers. This attitude goes back to the time, from the second to the fourth centuries after Christ (he obviously hasn’t read the Old Testament), when the Church and the Synagogue were competing for converts in the Hellenistic world, and when moreover each was still struggling to win adherents from the other. It was to terrorise the judaising Christians of Antioch into final breach with the parent religion that St John Chrysostom called the Synagogue ‘the temple of demons ... the cavern of devils ... a gulf and abyss of perdition’ and portrayed Jews as habitual murderers and destroyers, people possessed by an evil spirit. And it was to protect his catechumens against Judaism that St Augustine described how those who had been the favourite sons of God were now transformed into sons of Satan. Moreover the Jews were brought into relation with that fearsome figure, Antichrist, ‘the son of perdition’, whose tyrannical reign, according to St Paul and the Book of Revelation, is to precede the second coming of Christ.”

“Many of the Fathers taught that Antichrist would be a Jew and that the Jews would be his most devoted followers [this is confirmed in the Hadith] ... From the time of the first crusade onwards Jews were presented as children of the Devil, agents employed by Satan for the express purpose of combating Christianity and harming Christians. It was the twelfth century that they were first accused of murdering Christian children, of torturing the consecrated wafer, and of poisoning the wells...” “But above all it was said that that Jews worshipped the Devil, who rewarded them collectively by making them masters of black magic... In the eyes of most Christians these strange creatures were demons in human form...”

Contrary to overwhelming evidence in the Old and New Testaments, to say nothing of other data, scriptural or otherwise, Professor Cohn is saying that no sections of the Hebrew community were involved in devil worship or Satanic rituals, particularly the sect who called themselves Jews.

However, it is clear from the reverend T. K. Cheyney, M.A. and Lecturer on Hebrew and the Old Testament at Balliol College Oxford in June 1880, that even the use of the name ‘Jehovah’ as a title for God, constitutes blasphemy, and is, in fact, another name for Satan. More on this can be found in the chapter entitled ‘Unmasking Jehovah-Jah-Bal-On’ . The Rev. Cheyney states, he “has retained the familiar rendering ” The Lord" for the name of God, feeling that without a lengthened explanation the correct form could hardly be made palatable to ordinary students. The form “Jehovah” is unhesitatingly to be rejected, due to a misunderstanding of comparatively modern origin." [Variorum Teachers Bible, page 2]

There is an Elohist account of the Bible and a Jahavist account. Some Jewish converts to Islam still continue their habit of not writing or pronouncing the name of Allah, using All-h instead, even though the Qur’an begins all but one chapter with the opening lines “In the name of Allah”.

According to William Grimstad’s survey of 575 leading personalities on organised Jewry, ‘Antizion’, the 19th Century Occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, who died in London on May the 8th 1891, had this to say in ‘Isis Unveiled’:- “ The Brazen Serpent of Moses was worshipped by the Israelites as a god; being the symbol of Esmun-Asklepius, the Phoenician Iao. Indeed, the character of Satan himself is introduced in the first book of Chronicles in the act of instigating King David to number the Israelitish people, an act elsewhere declared specifically to have been moved by Jehovah (the devil) himself. The inference is unavoidable that the two, Satan and Jehovah, were regarded as identical.”

“This, and Madam Blavatsky’s other major work, ‘The Secret Doctrine’”, says Grimstad, “are rife with references to the ‘Jewish god’, Jehovah or YHVH, as essentially a demonic force. It was for this reason, Blavatsky believed, that the Jews have always maintained such clandestinity in all matters pertaining to the god - to the extent of keeping secret the true pronounciation of its name. And, in fact, there is even a ritual condemnation to death of those who discuss these matters with non-Jews. It is the twelfth of the Eighteen Benedictions, recited regularly in synagogues, and it is directed against ‘malashim’ - Informers.” [much like the devil-worshipping Sanjacks of Mosul worship the proud, fallen “Peacock Angel” by trying to appease him. This obscure group follow the “black book” written by Shaykh Hassan ibn Davasin or Danayye, which is based on “Manichaenism”, a syncretic, dualistic religious philosophy taught by the Persian founder of the sect - Manes - in around the third century A.D., according to which God and Satan reign as equals. It combines elements of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Gnostic thought. The Qur’an eliminates this false concept, reminding us that there is only one God, and that we should seek his protection from the evil of what He created to test humanity.]

The two bible references to Jehovah as the devil are:

II Samuel 24:1; “And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them, to say, go number Israel and Judah."

And I Chronicles 21:1; “And SATAN stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel..."


It is clear from Exodus VI: 2-3, that the introduction and use of this name Jehovah never referred to the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. The reference to it being of relatively modern origin by the Rev T. K. Cheyney, and the warning that it must be rejected “unhesitatingly", are to be taken very seriously indeed, as should Madam Blavatsky’s confirmation that the illegal numbering of Israel by David was at the instigation of the Satan, in I Chronicles 21:1, and that in II Samuel 1-9, Satan is referred to as The Lord, i.e. Jehovah.

Exodus VI: 2-3; “And God spoke to Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord: and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty; but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.”

To those familiar with the cover-up of facts related to monetary reform and the secret war against those who would try to bring to light the corruption and conspiracy of the usurers, it should be easy to realise that those same corrupters did not leave their scriputures unaltered or uncorrupted in their lust for absolute power. Only the Qur’an has survived unaltered, while the Gospel of Barnabas is the closest rendition of the original testament of Jesus, Isa Mac Mariam.

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